40 Day Plan

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Yep. A box cam in the mail. In true geek fashion I give you... the unboxing!

Each game's two tickets came attached to each other but it only took me ten minutes or so to get everything in order. I'm all set to go. Playoffs, please.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

40 Day Plan

I recently purchased a half season ticket package form the St Louis Cardinals. I'm using this to document not only the process of season ticket ownership, but the experience.  The ticket package itself is for 40 games not including opening day which is an option. Hence, the title... 
I should also thank Nick for the now 14 year old song of the same name that I thought of when deciding on a title.  I still remember some of the words, Nick!

Full disclosure, not that I expect anyone to call me out on this, but I do have some single game tickets I purchased as well.  Specifically, to the games with the Cubs.  And so begins 2009 St Louis Cardinals baseball for me!